Thanks for the good class on Tuesday, everyone did a lot of work and I was really happy at how hard everyone worked to get their in class writing assignment done by the bell.
I'm working to get your personal Hobbit hole assignments marked and am hoping to have them back to you tomorrow. I hope to post some of the most interesting "hobbit holes" on this site (anonymously of course) so that you can all check them out.
***UPDATE*** Your hobbit hole assignments are great but unfortunately there's a good chance (90%) that I won't have them back until next week. So many of you went above and beyond what I asked so it taking me a bit longer to mark them. I am REALLY impressed by some of the work I have gotten. Keep it up, I am having a great time reading them all. Keep it up!
Remember to read up until the end of Chapter 2 for Thursday's class as well as complete the vocab assignment, I'll have it the vocab assignment posted here by the end of the night on Wednesday in case you lost it / forgot it.
Here is the chapter 1 & 2 vocab assignment for those who didn't get it / lost it / forgot it. It shouldn't take too long to complete. We'll check it in class tomorrow. Sorry I'm a bit late getting it up. Me and my computer are having a bit of a battle at the moment and the computer is unfortunately winning :(
If you are interested in checking out Bilbo's family tree and bios of some of his family members? Check out this website for all the info your could possibly want.
See you all on Thursday :)
oops i thought the vocab assignment would be posted up. 'cause apparently it didn't get passed on to some people in the class (like me) and i didn't realize i never got one.
hi ms. zeiler,
could you please post the vocab sheet? i seem to have misplaced mine.
is that a typo in second line of second paragraph?
Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to get the vocab sheet up.
Me and my computer had a full blown UFC style showdown today and it's still only cooperating when it wants to. Hopefully you all got it in time.
As for the typo in the second paragraph, I am the queen of typos and if I don't have automatic spell check there's a good chance I've made a mistake somewhere - but as a great man once said "to err is human". What was the suspicious word? Now I'm curious!
"them back to your tomorrow"
the "your"
is it supposed to be a "you" ?
darn... totally busted on the typo. I even reread that line twice and didn't see it!
You are totally right, it's been fixed and I've been schooled! I gotta start paying more attention!!
Thanks for the heads up.
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