Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Hobbit Book of Letters
(Above is an example of an German illuminated manuscript of a Gregorian chant from 1170 A.D. You may want to model your book of letters in this way...but you are fully welcome to present it in other creative ways as well)

Hey everyone,

I hope your weekend is going well and that you are all busy reading The Hobbit! Please make sure to have read up to the end of chapter 5 for Monday's class.

I took a look at your notes from chapter 2 and was really impressed at the quotes you were able to pick out from just a few short pages. Your analysis was in depth and insightful.

I have also looked through the class list and made a list of everyone who is missing assignments as of February 15th. You can check out the list here and I will also post one in class. Anyone who is missing an assignment can either see me for a handout or get it off the website. If I have you down as missing an assignment but you have it, please let me know (I probably just forgot to mark in down in my marks book).

The comparison note sheet is posted here (from the class where we did Venn diagrams)

I have posted the Book of Letters assignment sheet here. Remember that this is a BIG assignment that will require you to plug away at it slowly over time. Don't leave it all until the last minute or else you are going to be overwhelmed. As of right now it looks like this assignment will be due on the first day back after Spring Break. This could change however so I want you to be keeping up with it.

Thank you for bringing up the fact that some letters would be difficult to find words for. I have decided to cut out the letters X and Z. That brings the total down to 24 letters (or 12 for each member of a pair). There are some letters that are a bit more difficult to find good words for but I am sure you will be able to use your imagination.

At the end of next class I will ask you to submit to me whether you are doing the assignment individually or as a pair. If you chose to do your project with a partner I will also need your group members' names.

Last but not least, I finally have permission to post some of your Hobbit hole assignments. I have made sure to keep it all anonymous so that no one gets too embarrassed. In order to keep everyone's identity top secret I changed the name in one example to "Sarah" - my cat's name.
You can check out the examples here. I hope to keep up with posting interesting ,well done examples of student work in the future. My hope is that in reading them, all of you will get a good idea of what I'm looking for.

See you in class on Monday


Anonymous said...

hey i was wondering if we could do the book of letters in a group of three. because i have this friend who wants to do it in a partner and all of my friends are already in groups of 2.

Anonymous said...

I did not realize we had to hand in our quote analysis worksheet from last class.
You said we had to finish it by the end of class. but you didn't give us time to finish it. 'cause after you said we had to finish it by the end of class you told everyone to drop their pencils and pens and then you started talking and the bell rang so i didn't get to finish the assignment. I'm almost done but i didn't get to finish.

Ms. Zeiler said...

Let's see what the situation looks like tomorrow when everyone submits their groups. I am a bit hesitant to make groups of three because it means a lot less work for those groups (only 8 entries each) That being said, there is an uneven number of students in the class. If there is noone looking for a partner then maybe we can do a group of three. We'll have to take a look tomorrow to see where we are.

Ms. Zeiler said...

As for the quote sheet, hand it in tomorrow at the beginning of class. You must have been working so hard you didn't hear me! No problem, I'll get it tomorrow. :)