Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey everyone,

I will be handing out a basic checklist for the book of letters tomorrow in class. Here is a copy of it if you want a head start.

Tomorrow we're going to do a bit of in class creative writing in groups, hopefully it will be fun and a bit silly :). No homework so don't worry.

You will have time on Friday to put together your book (probably about 1/2 hour). Please review the comments section of the last entry as some people has asked questions about the assignment that might help everyone in the class.

Any other questions or concerns please leave a comment.

Remember not to stress too much. Let's try to keep Block C a "stress free zone"


Anonymous said...

Some of the kids in our class have to go home early, because the Japan Exchange students are arriving and the students will be their hosts, so they have to take them home early. so, are we going to be missing anything important in class? or can we pick the worksheets up at lunch?

Ms. Zeiler said...

Is that tomorrow or Friday?

Anonymous said...


Ms. Zeiler said...

hmmmmm that complicates things a bit :(

will you be around for any of the class?

I guess we'll just have to see. I don't have any handouts for tomorrow as we are doing a group creative writing assignment based on the battle of the 5 armies. Any idea how many people will be missing?

Anonymous said...

do we have to have quote in all of the them or can it be just mentioning parts of the story?

also, does it have to be one letter per page? or can it be double sided (to save paper) heheh..

Ms. Zeiler said...

double sided is fine. I would just like to see one letter on each side...understand?

If there is not a specific quote that suits your letter I would expect a detailed example. I should be able to see exactly what you are getting at from the example you provide. General statements will not receive full marks. Make it specific and concise.

Anonymous said...

So I arrived home today to discover that I left two of my letters at home, it was sitting on my floor. So would it be okay to hand it in on Monday because I did not see that it was there as I left this morning.

Ms. Zeiler said...

Who forgot their letters on the floor? Sorry, just want to know who to expect them from :)