Monday, March 10, 2008

Hey guys,

To reply to a couple of questions...

1) You can still use "cup" if you want (just don't copy my entry word for word)

2) Tomorrow we are going to be looking at chapters 13-16. Considering you have a test on Thursday I would assume you have pretty much finished the book by now. I will go over the test in more detail tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

is there a rune for the letter Q?

Anonymous said...

I left my hobbit book in my locker. Is it okay if i use the page numbers of another hobbit book for quotes for the project? Or can i just write the chapter number?

Ms. Zeiler said...

There doesn't appear to be a rune for the letter Q. There are certain letters that were not used in Old English, Q being one of them. If you want, you can make up a rune for Q on your own. I would be interested to see what you come up with :)

Ms. Zeiler said...

If you left your hobbit book at school please use the page references from the copy that you have. It is always important in academic writing to use page references.


Anonymous said...

wasn't Q spelled as "KW" or somthing?